Four Lakes Fertility, LLC

Natural Birth Control and Fertility Education

Andrea Killian Wegrzynowicz

Certified Fertility Awareness Educator (FEMM)


Are you ready to take charge of your health and reproductive wellness? Learn a highly effective, side-effect-free form of birth control? Achieve pregnancy more easily, or identify health concerns with your body's fifth vital sign?

If you have a menstrual cycle you can learn to track your natural biomarkers, identify fertile times and health warning signs, and understand how to work with your body instead of against it. Maybe you're on hormonal birth control and looking for a change, you're concerned about your health and just know something isn't right about your periods, or you're a teen (or parent of one) feeling mystified by periods and cycles! 

Let me tell you how I can help you learn fertility awareness-the practice of observing hormonal biomarkers, recording that data in a chart, interpreting your current fertility status, and acting according to your intentions. The best part? It actually works! (1)

So how's it work? 

Fertility awareness is just science (which is why I love it)! I'll help you learn to track your cervical mucus, luteinizing hormone (with simple urine tests), and basal body temperature and use these signs, alongside some evidence-based rules, to avoid pregnancy in a way that's 93-97% (and possibly more) effective (2). 

In my course, Natural Birth Control for Healthy Hormones, we'll spend five 1-hour sessions together learning these signs, reviewing your personal charts, and talking about what's actually normal for your body! Sessions are about 3-4 weeks apart to give you time to really feel comfortable avoiding pregnancy.

Our lessons will be on video chat, and you'll have a workbook to support your learning.  Other instructors use pre-recorded video lectures and quizzes, but that's not my style! My course is focused on active learning and teaching 1:1 to make sure you really understand what you're learning. 

Don't just take it from me...

I want to learn do I start? 

That's awesome! I'd love to tell you more. Book a free 30 minute discovery call today, or check out my courses! 

Citations! Because everything I teach is based on published science. 

1) Fertility Awareness-Based Methods can be up to 99% effective! Reviewed by Urrutia et al. 2018, Obstetrics and Gynecology. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000002784

2) FEMM Executive Summary: